Eco Astronomy Inc. has adopted the following refund policy with respect to refunds for fee-paying students studying in any online courses of Eco Astronomy Inc. Our institute may refund any fees paid only under special circumstances, which fall under the following criteria:

Category A

Failure by Eco Astronomy to offer the course as advertised. Specifically:

  1. Eco Astronomy Inc. has discontinued the program at which students registered.
  2. Eco Astronomy Inc. has decided not to commence the scheduled batch.
  3. Eco Astronomy Inc. has postponed the commencement of the batch the student registered for, and the student does not agree to wait.
  4. Eco Astronomy Inc. has significantly changed the schedule of the batch that the student registered for, and the student cannot attend classes.

[*Refund requests under this category must be made prior to commencement or within 14 days of commencement]

[*Reasons for refund requests, such as receiving a scholarship from Eco Astronomy, will not be considered].

[*Should be update to: or within the 14 days prior to the scheduled commencement of the course]

Category B

Students who leave the Eco Astronomy courses without informing (by email) the HR department, either through withdrawal of their own accord or termination of candidature by the Eco Astronomy Institute after Instructional Week 2 [after starting academic], requests for a refund will generally not be considered.

[*Should be update to: or within the 7 days prior to the scheduled commencement of the course]

Category C

The student reverses the decision to pursue the course. Full refund claims under this clause are acceptable only if such email requests are made at least 7 days prior to the scheduled commencement of the course. Documentary evidence, payment slip as specified in this policy, will be required to support the claim.

[Should be request: or within the 7 days prior to the scheduled commencement of the course]

Category D

Medical reasons: The student is unable to continue the course due to personal medical reasons of a serious nature, which manifested after the registration with the course of Eco Astronomy. A relevant medical expert should confirm the diagnosis and certify that the student is unable to continue studies by signing the attached document.

[ Refund requests under category D will require evidence in the form of medical records / reports, and a certification from your doctor -confidentiality will be maintained.


  1. A request for a refund of program fees must be submitted via email. You have to send the request from the same email address that you registered for the course.
  2. Refund requests under Category D will require a certification from an SLMC-registered doctor, stating that the person is unfit to continue studies. Eco Astronomy HR department retains the right to contact the relevant doctor who gave the certification to verify the accuracy of the same. In doing so, we ensure we protect the confidentiality of the student.
  3. A refund may be granted according to the clauses in the refund policy of Eco Astronomy Inc. Any request that falls outside of this policy will be referred to the officer-in-charge of Student Affairs for consideration, and the final decision will be taken by the Chief Executive Officer as to whether it can be presented to the Refund Committee of the Eco Astronomy Committee for their final decision.


  1. Eligible refunds will be made within four to five weeks upon receiving a proper email request with the required documents.
  2. Refund payments will be made only in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR)

Revised on 2024.11.27