
Eng. Majda Aouititen is the Director Academic of Eco Astronomy International network. through Eco Astronomy online advanced programs, she had hosted more than 100 scientific podcast events since 2020. Currently she is preparing her 2nd PhD at Beijing Forestry University School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, China. Also, she is an active member in the student’s advisory committee and Ambassador for the International College of Beijing Forestry University. She is also member of IUCN in two commissions, CEC the Commission on Education and Communication, and the CEM the Commission on Ecosystem Management. By 2013 she became Engineer in Ecology and Biodiversity Management after she received her 1st Master speciated degree and by 2021 she got her 2nd International master’s degree from Beijing China specialized in Nature Conservation. During this period, Majda was performing plenty of valuable international work related to teaching, science, research, and Human development. She has more than 9 years of work and research experiences, that have led her to gain important skills, such as leadership, team managements, creative as well as innovative mind site.

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Working Experiences

  1. Academic Director (Sri Lanka 09/2019-Present) Eco Astronomy Sri Lanka & Eco Astronomy Inc
  2. International Students Advisor (China 10/2021-Present): Beijing Forestry University International College, China
  3. International Students Ambassador (China 01/2022-Present): Beijing Forestry University International College, China
  4. ICUN member of the Committee on Education and Communication (International 2017-2025)
  5. ICUN member of the Committee on Ecosystem management (International 2021-2025)
  6. International Students representative (China 12/2017 present): Beijing Forestry University, China
  7. Scientific Councilor (Morocco 02/2014-12/2016) Association of life & earth science Professors, Morocco.
  8. English Teacher (China 09/2020–Present) for university and school students in China.
  9. Scientific Member of the (Turkey 10/2016-Present) International Conference on Computational & Experimental Science, Antalya-Turkey.
  10. Laboratory Teacher (Morocco 2015-2016) Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Faculty of Sciences, Morocco.


  • · 2021/2025: Ph.D. Degree Natural conservation, Beijing Forestry University School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing–China.
  • · 2017/2021: Master’s Degree of Agriculture Specialized in Natural Reserve conservation Science, at Beijing Forestry University School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing –China.
  • · 2014/2020: Ph.D. Degree Marine biology University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Science, Tetouan-MOROCCO.
  • · 2012/2013: Specialized Master’s Degree Engineering in Ecology and Biodiversity Management, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Science, Tetouan-MOROCCO
  • · 2020: TESOL 120 Hour In-class Certification, from the American TESOL Institute. ²
  • · 2018: HSK level 4 Chinese language National proficiency certificate from the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) in China.
  • · 2010/2011: Bachelor’s degree in Basic Studies: Life science, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Science, Morocco.
  • · 2008/2009: General university study diploma in life science, University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculty of Science, Morocco


  • · 2022: Excellent Ph.D. scientific research projects and oral presentation, China
  • · 2022: 3rd Award of Chinese Completion writing experience “Beijing and I”
  • · 2021 and 2022: Future Leader & Youth ambassador, China
  • · 2020: Outstanding International master’s degree student, China
  • · 2019: President Scholarship, China
  • · 2019: International Beijing Expo, China
  • · 2018: International birds watch competition, China
  • · 2016: Excellent Scientific research Presentation, Morocco
  • · 2015: Excellent Project Oral presentation, Dalian-Turkey


Ravibhanu A, Abyewardhana K, Katupotha J, Aouititen M. Fossils of Sri Lanka: Chapter Sabaragamuwa Basin.
Journal of WILD LANKA. 2022; 9 (02), 173 – 300. Read More

Aouititen M, Ravibhanu A, Xia W, Li D, Luan X. Impacts of Seasonal Variation on Habitat Selection by Sichuan
Golden Snub-nosed Monkey: A Case Study of Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve. Indian Journal of Ecology.
2022 48(06):1726 -1731. Read More

Ravibhanu A, Aouititen M, Lagnaoui A.Tube Worm-Like Structures, Hematite, and Hydrothermal Vents on Mars:
Support for, and Opposition to Joseph et al. Journal of Astrobiology. 2021; 10, 38-62. Read More

Aouititen M, Ravibhanu A, Mrhraoui M, Luan X. Causes of Pelagia noctiluca Outbreak in M'Diq Beach, Northwest
Moroccan Mediterranean coastline. Indian Journal of Ecology. 2021; 48(2): 519-523. Read More

Ravibhanu A, Katupotha J, Aouititen M, Taylor B. Space Archaeology in Mars: Anthropological aspect of Humans
as a Multiplanetary Species in 2050. The 24th Annual International Mars Society Convention At: The Mars
Society _ Lakewood, CO 80215 | USA. 2021. Read More

Ravibhanu A, Katupotha J, Aouititen M. Comparative Systematic Analysis of Milankovitch Cycles to Identify
Variations of Glaciers and Interglacial Periods of Late Pleistocene in South Asia. Journal of Archaeology,
Tourism & Anthropology, Department of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya Volume I Issue I 2020. Read More

Aouititen M, Bekkali R, Luan X, Mrhraoui M. Predicting Jellyfish Strandings in the Moroccan North-West
Mediterranean Coastline. European Scientific Journal. 2019; 15(2):72-84. Read More

Ravibhanu A, Aouititen M, Taylor B, Katupotha J, Sameera KAG, Bandara A. Danigala Coding Sri Lanka. Eco
Astronomy Inc. 2020; TR 03: CCF: 01. Read More

Ravibhanu A, Katupotha J, Aouititen M, Bandara A. Archaeoastronomy Sri Lanka. 2020;
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31901.26086/1. Read More

Xia W, Ren B, Zhou H, Feng H, He X, Krzton A, Hu J, Aouititen M, Luan X, Li D. Reproductive parameters of
wild Rhinopithecus bieti. Folia Primatologica. 2020; 91(3):202-18. Read More

Aouititen M, Aksissou M. Étude des échouages de la Méduse Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskal, 1775) dans le littoral de
Tétouan (NW du Maroc). Conference: WEEC7At: Morocco. 2013. Read More