ECO ASTRONOMY INC – Lecture Series 06 | 2023

JOURNEY TO THE MARS DESERT RESEARCH STATION (MDRS) with Jonathan Nalder[Chief Futures Officer at STEM Punks | Ambassador of Mars Society ].
Through 23 years in Education, and 6 years in Space Education, Jonathan ‘the Edunaut’ has been at the bleeding edge of learning how tools such as design thinking, STEM, AI, AR/VR and environment sensors, combined with futures thinking, transform lives. Now, just as the fully digital and multi-planetary era begins, he has dedicated himself to helping students and teachers transition to this new era via programs like First on Mars and Space 2101. He is a globally awarded Innovator, Chief Futures Officer at STEM Punks, Mars Society Ambassador, member Crew 270 (Mars Desert Research Station), founder, Writer for Space Australia, ISTE online presenter, and a CoSpaces Ambassador.
🕙 13TH OF MAY 2023 | 10.00 AM TO 11.00 AM [IST]
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Eco Astronomy Inc | 2023