The Eco Astronomy global network (Collaboration with United Nations SDG goals) is empowered to develop a system to recognize and award for research and innovation relating to Astronomy and Space Science projects. As awards are given only to the highest achieving scientists, the Eco Astronomy Inc is required to regularly review and revise the selection criteria with a view of retaining their relevance and prestigious nature. Each award will be given for a published work rather than to an individual scientist, and all non-SL co-authors with a Sri Lankan institutional affiliation of the publication will be recognized as recipients of the award. EA Inc International research awards has set up via a few different categories like Archeoastronomy, Astrobiology, Astro -Eco Ecology, Paleo Reconstruction – terrestrial reading, Astrophotography and Paleontology. Here, we are proudly announcing the winners of ECO ASTRONOMY Research Project (International) AWARDS 2023.


Dr. Siddharth Pandey
Deputy Project Manager at Fugro -Australia
Siddharth is currently a Deputy Project Manager at Fugro working on Australia’s first Lunar Rover (Trailblazer Project, funded as part of Australian Space Agency’s Moon to Mars Initiative) which will support NASA’s Artemis program. Project Management tasks on remote management for NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) missions. He was previously working at Applied Robotics Systems, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory on hardware development for Venus and Icy Moon missions. Prior to that, Siddharth established and lead an initiative to establish Centre of Excellence in Astrobiology at Amity University Mumbai: India’s first dedicated Centre for Astrobiology and Space Biology research in the country. Siddharth is a space engineer with project management and leadership experience working with teams of astrobiologists. Prior to this, he has experience in building sample collection instruments for Mars and Venus surface missions while working at NASA Ames, USA. He has been engaged in education and public outreach activities and is motivated to use Space as a tool to spread awareness, social consciousness, and inclusiveness within our communities. He holds PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering from UNSW Canberra, Australia; MS in Space Systems Engineering from TU Delft, Netherlands, and B Tech in Aerospace Engineering from Amity University, India


Eng. Majda Aouititen
Director Academic of the Eco Astronomy Sri Lanka Inc Research Unit, and PhD Scholar at Beijing Forestry University School of Ecology and Nature Conservation – Morocco |Sri Lanka | China
I’m Engineer in Ecology and Biodiversity Management, and I’m a director academic of Eco Astronomy Sri Lanka Inc Research Unit; and I’m a member of IUCN CEC-CEM. I hosted many international scientific events, and I delivered lectures. By 2021 I have successfully compiled my International 2nd master’s degree with excellent scores; and now I’m a Ph.D. Scholar at Beijing Forestry University School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, in 2021 I became an international student’s advisor committee member and Ambassador at Beijing Forestry University International College. At the same time, and during this period, I was performing plenty of valuable international work related to science, research, social, and community development. I’ve more than ten years of work and research experiences that have led me to gain important skills, such as leadership, team managements, and creative as well as innovative mind sites. I was honored to be invited to give a lecture on September 24th by the 2023 World Coastal Forum in Yancheng. I’ve accomplished important achievements at both national and international levels. That’s why I’m often looking to join devoted teams in purpose to learn more and gain valuable skills, as well as to bring successful input to my collaborations. In 2013, I received my 1st Master’s degree as an Engineer in Ecology and Biodiversity Management, and then I started working on ecological projects in my country and with international collaborations. Since I started my studies at Beijing Forestry University, I was part of many outstanding activities held by my University in collaboration with other Chinese departments, for example in this year I was honored to host the opening ceremony of the summer camp “ Youth Leader, Future Ambassador”, as well I achieved valuable results for my research progress as I was humbled to receive in December 2021 the 1st Excellent Award for my Ph.D. research presentation from my school of Ecology and nature conservation, I need to highlight that previously, I won the Beijing Forestry University President Award in 2019, I also had the chance to participate in green ecological development events such as planting trees in the Friendship Forest in Beijing for two times, the first one was in April 2018, and my 2nd time was in April 2019, I should inform you also about the award I received from my participation in the competition of birds watching international competition in Yunnan province at Gaoligonshang, this event was held by China Birds Association in 2018.
I was also honored to receive a Special Award during my participation at the international combination pot planting competition (Beijing Expo 2019). I have published 3 articles: 2 of them are SCI (in which one is indexed by Scopus it has been published in April 2021) journal (one as 1st Author 2020 and the 2nd one as Co-Author 2018) the other one is indexed by Google Scholar and other very well-known scientific indexed, it was published in January 2019.
I have published a total of 2 monographs and 3 reports in Research Gate, a scientific professional website, as an international collaboration with Eco Astronomy Sri Lanka research institute, since 2019 I presented more than 10 International lectures and I hosted more than 100 of online meetings and workshop with international scientists from a multidisciplinary worldwide highly recognized institutes for international students all over the globe. Recently I have participated in representing BFU University in an international Exhibition as well I was honored to be invited to give speeches during the Opening International student’s ceremony. Here is a list of my awards,
2023: 2nd Excellent AWARD OF THE CULTURAL CONTRIBUTION AWARD in Beijing, China.
2023: Nominated for Global Award for the category Women that build Award
2023: Outstanding International Ph.D. degree student at Beijing Forestry University International College.
2022: 3rd semi-finalist Award from the University of British Columbia during the competition my thesis in 3 minutes
2022: Excellent Ph.D. scientific research projects and oral presentation at Beijing Forestry University.
2021: Future Leader & Youth Ambassador in Beijing, China.
2020: Outstanding International Master’s degree student, at Beijing Forestry University.
2019: President Scholarship from Beijing Forestry University.
2019: International Beijing Expo, China2018: International birds watch the competition, China
2016: Excellent Scientific research Presentation,
Morocco 2015: Excellent Project Oral presentation, Dalian-Turkey


Mr. Fabrizio Natanaele Severino
Computer Scientist -Italy
Mr.Paolo D'Angelo
Archaeologist and Topographer- Italy
The aim of our research project is to analyze, using a multidisciplinary approach, the Octagonal Tower of Enna and its enigmatic origins through the disciplines of history, topography, archaeology, archeoastronomy, and computer science. We start with fundamental questions: who was the builder? What was its purpose? Why was Enna chosen as the location for the foundation of the Octagonal Tower? We answer these questions by providing a clear and documented perspective with the goal of conferring dignity and historical relevance to the Octagonal Tower and the city of Enna. Our research project offers an opportunity to understand the dynamics of social, cultural, political, and economic hybridization of the ancient Sicilian communities, including the Sicani, Siculi, and Elimi. The Octagonal Tower of Enna has long been subject of study; however, many contradictions regarding its origin, the logic of its foundation, and construction techniques persist, themes that have remained unexplored and thus unresolved. A multidisciplinary approach allows our investigation to shed new light on the mysteries surrounding the origins of the monument and the entire city through a renewed interpretation. The historical and archaeological research on the Octagonal Tower restores the history of the city of Enna from its origins and at least until the 14th century AD, contributing to the discovery of a cultural phase never before explored by historiography. Our intention is to lead the reader towards a new interpretative hypothesis about the foundation and construction of the Tower of Enna, based on the historical sources we have collected and the unpublished discoveries we have made. Our theories are based on the analysis of authentic historical sources. We believe that the Octagonal Tower is the oldest astronomical observatory in Sicily and the Mediterranean, dating back to at least the 10th century BC, when the island was inhabited by the Siculi, so before the arrival of Greek ‘colonial’ communities. According to our interpretation of the monument, the Tower was founded and subsequently built between 1100 and 1000 BC by an Augur from Italic origin, presumably Etruscan, possessing precise divinatory and engineering skills. The identification of a “center”, the arx auguraculum, the Umbilicus Siciliae et Trinakie of Sicily, located on the plateau of Enna, allowed the Augur to delineate a theoretical model of the sky on the ground, known as Templum. Therefore, the Octagonal Tower served as a monumental instrument for the observation and interpretation of the sky, as well as a crucial anchor for land surveying and the geodetic system of ancient Sicily, fundamental to the development of agriculture and the proto-road system across the island. So, the Tower is the hub of a centralized territorial distribution system that extends from pre- and protohistoric times to the present day. Our research project demonstrates how it is possible to solve an enigma through the collaboration of an independent research team and represents a significant contribution to the valorization of the city of Enna as World Heritage. We are delighted and grateful to share the results of our investigation with the entire world.

Angelo Severino (1947-2022): An investigative journalist, publicist, and historian, he has collaborated with ‘La Sicilia’ and the ‘Gazzetta del Sud’. He has conducted numerous investigative journalism pieces and historical research on the city of Enna, among which the most well-known ones are the former Pasquasia mine (documented in parliamentary records, p. 541, XVII legislature, annex B to the reports) and the historical investigation of the Octagonal Tower of Enna.
Fabrizio Natanaele Severino: A computer scientist and problem solver, he provides technical-strategic IT consultancy services to entrepreneurs and managers. He is the founder of Zenit Security, a company specialized in problem-solving, research, and the development of innovative ideas in the field of cybersecurity, software design, and system integration.
Paolo D’Angelo: An experienced archaeologist and topographer, specialized in ancient topography, conducts research and works as a freelance professional registered in the MiC’s ‘Professionals of Cultural Heritage’ list. He is a lecturer at the MiUR in the history of art, a member of the Ennese Society of Homeland History, and a technical consultant to the Enna Court. Additionally, he works as a copywriter for archaeological content on the web.

Mr. Akash Anandh
Astrophotographer -India
Akash Anandh is an Astrophotographer, Amateur Astronomer, Writer, and Science Communicator from Chennai, India. His work has been published and featured in various astronomical organizations and media networks such as the European Space Agency, BBC, Space.com, Earthsky.org, Universe Today, The Straits Times, Canon Singapore, Channel News Asia, etc. One of his photographs was featured in Space.com’s Top 100 Space Photos of 2016. He has been a member of The Astronomical Society of Singapore for the past 6 years, and has served on its management committee for 4 years. Akash conducts Astronomy and Astrophotography Workshops in Southeast Asia and India, specifically teaching Lunar, Milky Way, and Wide Field Deep-Sky Astrophotography, as well as Observational Astronomy. He also conducts outreach events and gives talks on Astronomy-related topics. He collaborates with schools, universities, and other organisations, giving guest lectures online and in person, as well as conducting physical stargazing sessions.


Prof. Abdelouahed Lagnaoui
Paleontologist and Senior Lecturer at Hassan First
University – Morocco
My research interests focus on Vertebrate and Invertebrate paleontology, particularly the animal-substrate interaction and its relationship with Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Paleoecology and Paleobiology. My research projects encompass rocks formed in a wide variety of depositional environments (continental, and marginal-, shallow- and deep-marine) and ages (Cambrian to Cretaceous). I contributed to the discovery of the fossilized shark from the Late Devonian period (263 million years ago) in Morocco. This discovery is unique in the world and typical for Morocco, which is why we have named this specimen “Maghriboselache mohamezanei”. Maghrib relating to Morocco and “selache a term meaning shark. This shark has exceptional nasal capsules. This is a feature unknown in other contemporary or later Palaeozoic sharks and may even be the first case in all jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes). The new Late Devonian shark genus Maghriboselache mohamezanei is known from several specimens preserving most of its skeletal features, which in some cases are preserved in three dimensions. Key details of dentition, jaws and pectoral skeleton are shared with the iconic Cladoselache genus. I contributed to na;ing new taxa fro; Argentina, Russia and Morocco, including invertebrate and vertebrate trace fossils.


Dr. Jason Kennedy
Curriculum Leader, Animation Pathway Leader, and Senior Lecturer in
Animation, Visual Effects, and Game Design at Auckland University of
Technology – New Zealand
Dr Jason Kennedy is the Curriculum Leader, Animation Pathway Leader, and senior lecturer above the bar for the major in Animation, Visual Effects, and Game Design at Auckland University of Technology. He is both a professional animator and actor and uses his combined experience to investigate the nature of performance within the contexts of animation and motion capture. Through multidisciplinary theory and practice, his doctoral thesis “Acting and Its Double: A Practice-Led Investigation of the Nature of Acting Within Performance Capture” examines how the constructed nature of animated performances challenges our understanding of acting, and suggests a paradigm revision for how acting is understood within performance capture. His published research explores how acting and presence are framed within a virtual acting context. Dr Kennedy has formalized a critical language around virtual performance, including the creation of a taxonomy of performance modes among virtual actors to better understand their acting capabilities. This research establishes Dr Kennedy as an authority on performance within animation and motion capture. He is also a member of several international research groups, including as a collaborative research member of Eco Astronomy. In this capacity, he produces animated performances in the form of scientific visualisations of extinct megafauna to support paleontological research and museum exhibits. Dr Kennedy entered the fine art world circuitously through his initial ambition to become a paleontologist. He enrolled in Albion College’s geology programme (in Albion, Michigan, USA), only to discover that while he still loved dinosaurs, he liked the idea of animating them more than digging them up. He graduated from Albion in 2004 with a major in studio art (drawing) and minors in paleontology and mathematics. He completed a MFA in electronic art (animation) from the University of Cincinnati in 2007. His Masters research focused on the role of identity and immortality vis-à-vis digital representations of self. Dr Kennedy recently married his partner Devanshi in September 2023. Their family is complete with two cats (Stygi and Moloch) and a fantastic collection of dinosaur models and Jurassic Park memorabilia.


Dr. Chathurika Jeewanthi
Senior Lecturer at Department of Agribusiness Management,
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Dr. Chathurika Jaiwannthi is a Senior Lecturer at Department of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Also, Coordinator of the Food Business Management degree program at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. Also, she holds the position of Deputy coordinator of the Ceylon cinnamon beverage product development team of the project AHEAD RIC. She has high-tech research profile relevant to food science and biotechnology, As well as Functional Food, Dairy Tech, Product Development, Food Analysis, Food Nutrition. She completed her PhD in Food Science & Biotechnology of Animal Resources GPA 4.4 5 Out of 4.5 (9 9 out of 100), Konkuk University, Korea.
Research Experiences.
1) Manufacturing of functional food products including whey protein concentrations whey protein hydrolysates, functional cheeses, functional yogurts, beverages (tea types, carbonated, latte types, elixir, wines, aids), combined milk powder etc. Related technology : ultrafiltration, spray drying, plant extract separation , fermentation
2) Food product analysis physical, chemical , and functional and quality management
3) Field surveys and analysis of questionnaires
4) Plant extraction preparation and applications
5) Enzymatic hydrolysis, comparative analysis of hydrolysates for food applications
6) Recombined milk applications and identification of potential applications of value added ingredients
7) Analysis of total phenolic compounds and flavonoids for functional foods
8) MS/MS protein analysis, peptide sequencing
9) High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis
10) Sensory evaluation trained sensory panelist for dairy products
11) Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition assay for antihypertensive activity
12) PCR, ELISA application running methods
13) Antioxidant activity measurements (FRAP protocol, DPPH radical scavenging activity ,
Ferric thiocyanate assay, Beta carotene bleaching assay)
14) Peptide analysis ( SDS PAGE pattern ), western blot.